10 Essential Tips for Better Sleep in Hotels

Choose your room wisely, opting for a quiet location on an upper floor away from exits and elevators to enhance sleep quality.

Darken the room or use a sleep mask to signal your body it's bedtime by limiting light exposure, essential for inducing sleep.

Use silicone earplugs to block out noise disturbances like fans or AC units.

Avoid heavy meals before sleep; eat dinner at least two hours before bedtime.

Moderate your alcohol intake as excessive drinking can lead to disrupted sleep patterns due to fluctuations in the sleep-inducing chemical adenosine.

Bring familiar scents or items like a blanket or linen spray to make the hotel room feel more like home and ease into sleep.

Ensure pillow comfort by requesting changes or extra pillows if the provided ones do not meet your preferences.

Keep the room temperature cool, ideally between 18-20°C, to help lower your body temperature and promote sleep.

Take a warm shower before bed to relax your muscles and lower your body temperature.

Maintain a consistent sleep schedule as much as possible to avoid sleep disturbances and ensure a more restful night.