Discover France's Top Cities (Beyond Paris)

Lyon boasts top-notch food, with fusion spots like Ayla and Poissonchat. Its beauty shines at Hôtel de Ville and Fourvière Basilica.

Brest's exterior is from WWII bombings, but inside, it has vibrant art, music, and markets. The Crozon Peninsula is a stunning ferry ride away.

Nancy dazzles with Art Nouveau architecture. Brasserie Excelsior's painted walls and detailed doorways are highlights.

Narbonne mixes Roman ruins with modern shops. The Gothic cathedral and Les Halles market's evening events are must-sees.

Lille warms with its food and Flemish buildings. Breweries and wine selections, like those at Le Presentoir, are plentiful.

Chinon, in the Loire, features a grand château and limestone houses. Wine shops and second-hand bookstores are charming.

Avignon, former Papal capital, has historic ramparts and tree-lined squares. The coffee scene, especially at Le Saint Chocolat, is vibrant.